all she wanted was a garden party with those most loved


all she wanted…12×12 oil on wood, AVAILABLE

Over the weekend we celebrated the wedding of my cousin Jordan and his new bride Brittney. At first the big kiddos were bored and were not enjoying themselves, but soon they reconnected with their cousins {kiddos of my dear cousins} and then they never wanted to leave. Meanwhile, I was soaking up any time I could get with my own cousins. Love them so very much.

One unmarried stallion, {Conner}, shared that he was not a fan of some of the wedding party traditions ie., the reception line, cutting of the cake, etc. He is hoping to marry someone who will forgo the typical and celebrate with him at a dinner…maybe a bbq with games and lots of fun…I’m rooting for them. {All I ever wanted was a garden dinner party with close friends and family}. Sometimes we give up what we want very mist for those whom we care for more than ourselves. Still hoping Conner gets that fun celebration and can’t wait to meet her one day

What wedding traditions do you love and which would you rather go without? xo ~ katrina

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